Please add the western Aleutians or dont claim to Cover all of Alaska. I purchased this app for adak and now its useless to me.
Please add the western Aleutians or dont claim to Cover all of Alaska. I purchased this app for adak and now its useless to me.
Ive found some dirt roads missing. One is the very road I live on in Idaho. It should be there unless this is a very old map. Seems like a pretty good app but I dont totally trust it & advise to use with caution.
Bought this to use while offroading and after first use Im thoroughly impressed. Would only add route tracking to increase to 5 stars. Great res on topos, easy to download maps! For those upset about old maps, they are USGS TOPO maps and many are old. Good maps, even if they are old.
I bought this because it is suppose to be TOPO but it is really bad, not like any Topo I own. Just use google, its free. If you use TOPO, why would I want to enter an address, no you enter your God cords duh! Horrible app want my money back
Whether Im hiking in the Ozarks or in the deserts and canyons in Utah, I rely on this App to keep me on the trail. I understand that USGS Topos vary in their update ages, but I depend on the coordinates and contours more than anything else, and those dont change much if at all.
Very reliable, even with limited or no connection. Just be sure to download the maps before heading out. The locator function works well even with almost no signal! Ive been using this app for a year with absolutely zero complaints. Love switching between this and Google Maps to compare Topo with birds eye view, but rely mostly on Topo once I get out into the forest and hills. Works great for planning hunting trips: I spent weeks studying geography to predict deer movement, then put that knowledge to work when setting up stands, and it all worked out exactly as planned. Buying custom topo maps would cost more than this app, and take up more space. As long as your battery lasts, even if in airplane mode to save it longer, this app will serve as your map.
I purchased the app as a backpacker- hiker companion thinking it would replace the defunct Accuterra app. This app downloads maps very quickly but they are very old, lack solid trail detail and are hard to use. If you are backcountry hiker or camper - dont waste your money. There is no trail hike trek recording of where you have been, The search feature is confusing and at times does not work. The location button often prevents moving around a map area to explore an area due to wanting to " locate" you. The fix is to repetitively turn off location services- but what a pain. Overall, very disappointed with general operation as well as map quality, will be dumping app.
Very nice!
Not sure why there are negative reviews for this App. There shouldnt be. If you actually know how to read a Topo, then this is prefect. If you need a babysitter, then go find one. I use this App for walk-in hunting deep in the Ozarks and find it easier to use than my GPS. An excellent feature about this App is the it will work when you do NOT have phone service, unlike google.
Ive downloaded several maps and none are newer than 40 years old! The map for Mount Rushmore area is from 1971!
Im disappointed with TOPO. It lacks a lot of common trails or I can find them. There is no Bandera Mt or Little Si.
I live in Hawaii and purchased this to help orient myself to the often bewildering views with all the mountain valleys. I dont use it for off-trail hiking, but when Im trying to figure out what I can see from my elevation or how far something is (and its azimuth) this is perfect. Each time I open it, I discover something new about the apps features and am glad I have this in my suite of maps.
To those who say that the map data is a old, you have to understand that this app uses USGS data maps, and is only as current as those maps, it is a fantastic app. There is an easy workaround for maps that Havel data, once you open the topple map, it will let you convert that map to satellite based terrain, or Google maps, orOpenStreetMap. So like anyone ought to, before you head into the backcountry you should always check your maps against current data, this app gives you all the tools to do just that. The ability to "stitch" maps together is a great asset. No more do you get to the edge of one map and have to find your location on the next one, just stitch the next map to your map and the data flows seamlessly. Download times on Wi-Fi are only a few seconds per map. It will even "shade" the maps which turns them into a visual terrain identifying tool. Im taking this tool into a nine day trip in the Allagash in Maine in September. I will report more on how well it works afterwards. Get this app, learn to use it, you will not be disappointed.
The maps do not have enough details but that is not problem with the app itself. Otherwise it works well and is able to pinpoint location quickly even if there is no network access in the area.
Ive used this app for backpacking in the Yosemite back country, on and off trail, for 4 years, plus day hiking in many other areas, and I have found it extremely useful. The maps can be downloaded and used as part of the pre-trip planning, and icons placed on the intended route and for identifying features you might be interested in. Since I am off-trail much of the time, this was useful. The maps are stored on the device, so no WiFi or internet connection is needed. The GPS feature also is quite useful, and accurate as well. The button has 2 settings. If you tap it, it will find you and lock to that location on the map, but if you tap the button once, it allows you to move the map around, but the unique locator icon remains on your location. If you tap it again, it turns the GPS locator off. Unfortunately, one reviewer wasnt aware of this feature and gave the app a bad review. It uses official U.S. Geologic Survey 7.5 minute topographical maps with 40 foot contour intervals. I mention this because one reviewer gave it a bad review because they werent "topo maps!" Unfortunately, the USGS doesnt update them anymore, and while the terrain may not change much, towns and roads do. For the backpacking I do, on and off trail, this has never been a problem. For me, its an excellent and very useful app.
I use this app every time I head out backpacking. Ive tried other topo apps more expensive than this one but this one works best for me. Big fan!
I love all of the features of this app - especially the high res map downloads for offline use, waypoints, and distance functions. Definitely worth the purchase. I think a few minor improvements would go a long way for this app. For example... - Connect multiple waypoints to form a path or trail - Group waypoints and show them as layers Great app so far - really anxious to see these improvements eventually!
I was considering buying a 250-300$ GPS. I figured Id throw down a couple of bucks before I dropped that much cash on another device, to try this app out. It is exactly what I need! I have been backpacking / hiking for over 30 years and I am so happy with this app. I am still getting used to how awesome it is being able to tell exactly where I am during hikes or driving on logging roads. This app is amazing. There is no cost to download topo map after topo map, just pick which ones you want! Took me a bit to figure everything out but now that I have, this is a game changer. The best part is that I dont need another device, charging cord or any other crap, which is what I was dreading more than the price tag of a gps device. Everything is neatly available on my phone. I havent had any connection issues weather there is cell reception or not. It just tells me exactly where I am. I hate to say it but after becoming familiar with this app, I would have paid a lot more for it.
This is a great app. I use it for backpacking. Have on both an iPhone and iPad. Also use it to plan out trips.
I just returned from a backpacking trip and used this app to assist with navigation and trail finding. The ability to download the topo maps for free from within the app is huge!! The GPS function is great and works in airplane mode. We needed 4 maps for this trip and fortunately adjacent maps can be stitched together. Sometimes some of the printing from the margin will still be visible when maps are stitched but that is a relatively minor complaint. Ignore the reviews that complain about the old maps. The reason for using the 1970s maps is the greater detail and more trails, as explained thoroughly in the app details and on the website. The complaints are mostly from people that didnt read the documentation and probably dont know how to use topo maps anyway. This app is highly recommended